Barbara started her creative life together with her husband Billy Hawkins when they began their first pottery in Bristol in 1973 and Barbara decorated all the pots. From there they moved to Gloucestershire where they started their pottery in Rooksmoor Mills, until they finally moved to Port Isaac in 1996 to run Port Isaac Pottery. Having finally ‘retired’ two years ago Barbara is now able to devote a lot more time to painting, although retirement seems to mean that she is busier than ever! Barbara comments, “Watercolours are often thought of as a beginners’ way into painting. Personally, I think they can be the most challenging medium. Having been largely self-taught, I mainly paint ‘plein air,’ which can be very challenging with the Cornish weather! The scenery is ever-changing but I’m very priveliged to have so much inspiration on my doorstep. I also visit Venice every year to paint, I always marvel at its beauty too. In fact, my travel size palette and sketch pad tuck into my luggage and go with me almost everywhere.” Over the years Baraba has tried to learn from those who she considers to be exceptional in their field, namely, John Singer Sargeant who is a plein air watercolour master. She also loves more contemporary artists such as Alvaro Castagnet and Chieng Chun-Wei, Thomas Schaller plus many others. Two years ago, Barbara organised Port Isaac Art week, exhibiting 20 artists in the church, with a week of workshops in the village hall. She was very happy to help wherever needed (including washing up and dusting!) and enjoyed beinging part of a team. Barbara feels fortunate to still have some retail space in their shop where she can sell her work. However, working largely on her own, she would like to be part of a painting community and share the ideas and stimulation that come from being with other artists. In the past Barbara has done some teaching which she finds to be both rewarding and a great way to improve her own skills in both oils and watercolours. “Sunset harbour” “Maricar fishing boat, end of the day” “Sunny morning, Port Isaac Harbour” “Rock pool reflections, Port Isaac “Venice watercolours 2”